Captured at Beilefeld.Ħ0100 DRP DRP & Mind stamped in keeper well,no TD,matched,bolt # on stem, mauser marked muzzle cover, sling.Ħ3862 DRP Dssd. (Schweinfurt), Bolt numbers on handle (stem)ĥ8306 DRP, Stock 508306 (w/vet inscribed plaque) GB 11/09ĥ9810 DRP, Kln (Koln) stamped on left side sling well (unusual location)ĥ9862, DRP, matched sling Mauser muzzlecover, issued to Minden. (numbers on handle)ġ845 DR, unit marked Bz.15.238 (cancelled 13.345)(bolt SN on handle)ġ927 DR, unit marked Bz.15.90 (cancelled 13.427)(bolt MM, Gunbroker Ranchill)Įd note: Gap here likely represents Chinese 1933 export models, likely 'B' prefix result of use of standard series for in country.ĥ0315 DRP Rec Side Mark "Standard Modell 1924", city code DRP Kbg Schw (cartouche 500315)ĥ0323 (RC) Rec Side Mark "Standard Modell 1924"ĥ0550 DRP Rec Side Mark "Standard Modell 1924", x out Bln in sling well (Berlin police)ĥ0617 DRP Rec Side Mark "Standard Modell 1924"ĥ1000 DRP Rec Side Mark "Standard Modell 1924", sling well city code is Kosl (Koslin)ĥ1312 DRP Rec Side Mark "Standard Modell 1924", no city code, cartouche is 501312ĥ6561 DRP, SchW.

You are the man!!ġ569 DR, unit marked 15.69. Thanks to PAUL SHOMPER (Graf) for submitting a huge pile of SNs. You can post data or email me direct at I delete the direct posts with just SN data and keep any ones dealing in features or unique aspects. I will also try and keep it clean with no clutter.

Hey guys I will update this thread as new data is received.